Management in our vascular and interventional radiology units is here to stay across all modalities.
The first to benefit will be the patients and ourselves.
Let's embrace it without fear!

Dr. Ignacio Díaz-Lorenzo
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Madrid, Spain
Whoever's got the hang of interventional radiology management, put your hand up!
The first thing that comes to mind when you think about management is the face of the director or manager of your hospital. This perception makes sense because a significant aspect of management
involves interacting with higher authorities in our hospitals, speaking their language, managing resources effectively, understanding the benefits we obtain based on the costs we generate, and
how we can optimize our results.

But management in our units goes much further. Management in interventional radiology focuses on ensuring the safety, efficiency, and quality of the procedures we perform. This involves the implementation of standardized protocols, monitoring of patient safety and quality indicators, and ongoing training of personnel in line with emerging technologies. Furthermore, effective coordination with other medical specialties is crucial to deliver comprehensive and multidisciplinary care.
Management in interventional radiology requires a comprehensive skill set to integrate the process of radiological intervention, encompassing operations management to result evaluation and
quality assurance. This management must be complemented by a strategic vision for the unit, fostering collaboration with other specialties, providing clear leadership, and ensuring effective
communication with hospital administration.
Lastly, but not least, it is essential for this management to provide the space, resources, and necessary safety measures to enable each team member's full development.
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