The CVIR Endovascular Podcast


Launched in December 2020, the purpose of this podcast is to discuss endovascular and vascular interventions, and promote CVIR Endovascular - CIRSE's open access journal. We will achieve this call by highlighting the articles published in the journal, through interviewing many of our authors and a number of leaders in the field of endovascular interventions.

The podcast will be hosted by Prof. Jim Reekers, CVIR Endovascular’s Editor-in-Chief, and will interview authors and IR experts.


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Feel free to share your feedback, including suggestions for future interview partners at, so that we can improve the value of our podcast and your listening experience.




Episode 4: Protection against the fear of radiation

Published: Dec 13, 2021


Although there is no evidence for radiation risks for interventional radiologists, when protected, there are some papers that raise concerns. For wearing lead glasses, it is proven that cataracts are also a radiation risk.  But for other potential risks there is currently no scientific proof.  Does this mean that they do not exist? A few years ago, I also started wearing a special lead cap. For this there is no evidence that it will prevent brain tumors or late loss of cognitive functionality. Maybe we should add “Better Safe than Sorry” to the ALARA principle. In this podcast, we speak with 3 experts about how to deal with this Fear of Radiation.

Guests: Stephan Rohde (Dortmund/DE), Werner Jaschke (Innsbruck/AT) and Colin Martin (Glasgow/UK).



Episode 3: Interventional radiology as an independent medical specialty

Published: Feb 16, 2021


It is inconceivable, not to mention detrimental to patients, that interventional radiology (IR) still lacks recognition as an independent medical specialty. Minimally invasive techniques are the future of medical treatments, and IR has been a leader in this field for 60 years, inventing and executing new and innovative treatments. In this episode, we talk to two experts, Mohamad Hamady (Imperial College London, London/GB) and Michael Lee (Beaumont Hospital, Dublin/IE), about where IR stands and how to move forward. Be sure to read the editorial by M. Hamady and I. McCafferty mentioned in this episode by clicking here.



Episode 2: Paediatric Interventional Radiology (PIR)

Published: Jan 22, 2021


Paediatric interventional radiology (PIR) is a new and fast developing branch of interventional radiology. In this episode, renown PIRs Alex Barnacle (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London/UK) and Anne Marie Cahill (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA/US) talk about the advantages and challenges of having dedicated interventional radiologists for treating children and young adults.



Episode 1: Publishing in CVIR Endovascular

Published: Dec 23, 2020


In this episode Prof. Jim Reekers, Editor-in-Chief of CVIR Endovascular, CIRSE's open access journal, explains the editorial process step by step. He shows how your paper will proceed from submission to final publication.